Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra review: A behemoth

The Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra brings plenty of spec and top performance, but its style isn't for everyone and it's uncomfortable to sleep with.

Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra review: A behemoth

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  • Design: 8.5/10
  • Performance: 9/10
  • Overall: 8.8/10


  • Solid battery life
  • Robust build and strong specs
  • Great health features


  • Charging is too slow
  • Uncomfortable to wear to sleep
  • Design not for everyone

The thing that really gets me with the Galaxy Watch Ultra is the name. Apple has had an “Ultra” version of its Apple Watch for two generations now.

Samsung, looking to move into the more premium active user market, decided that the best name for its product was also “Ultra”.

There are so many other options Samsung could have gone with. Personally, I would have called it “Ultimate”, as it has echoes of “Ultra” but sounds even better. But it could just as easily have been called the Galaxy Watch “Supreme” or “Active” or “Rugged”.

By going with “Ultra”, this device cheapens the things it does really well by sounding like an attempt to be Apple. And that’s a shame because there are plenty of things that Samsung has done really well with the Galaxy Watch Ultra.