Vodafone launches $5 in-flight roaming
Vodafone has launched in-flight roaming, allowing you to access your mobile plan inclusions from a plane for just $5 per day.

Vodafone changed the face of International roaming with its $5 a day offering, and now the telco is doing it again. Vodafone has just launched in-flight roaming, so you can access your mobile plan's inclusions on select international airlines.
While the last thing anyone wants is to be sitting next to someone on a long-haul phone call, being able to use your mobile data instead of in-flight Wi-Fi could definitely have some advantages.
Just like international roaming, you need to pay Vodafone $5 a day to access in-flight roaming. If the aircraft is equipped with the right equipment, you can use it to use your plan's call, text and data inclusions from 20,000ft in the air.